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Crimes Committed by Radical Conspiracists are Increasing

 I shared in my original blog post that the reason I decided to start sharing my views on conspiracy and fringe beliefs is because of the number of deaths relating to these topics in the last 2 years. Conspiracy theories are no longer alternative theories on forums like they were 10 years ago. They are having serious, dangerous and frightening repercussions. Nobody died from believing JFK was assassinated or the moon landings were fake. To my knowledge, nobody even died from believing 9/11 was an inside job, but what they DID do was set the stage for mass distrust in authority figures to the point of delusion. Of course, this has been hugely exasperated by Trump and the Church's shameless exploitation of people's beliefs. The dis-info around the pandemic and vaccine, combined with the deadly capital insurrection which was largely fuelled by the baseless Qanon and pizaagate theories, have resulted in a huge number of unnecessary deaths. On top of this, I have seen a definite ris

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