CERN Satanic Ritual Hoax

 Some time in August 2016, a video appeared on Facebook purporting to show an occult ritual and human sacrifice in the grounds of the particle physics facility CERN in Switzerland. A group of people gather in black robes and appear to stab a woman in front of a statue of the Hindu god Shiva.

 Before I go any further, I want to add that CERN did confirm that the video was indeed filmed on their grounds, and must of been a prank pulled by a group of scientists, as it's impossible to gain access to this area day or night without a security pass. They launched an internal investigation to find the culprits and take appropriate measures. Nobody has ever publicly admitted to the hoax. That's probably for the best as they would no doubt be trolled for being satanists for the rest of their lives. The video quickly spread on social media with many people believing it was a real ritual. This is partly down to the fact that there has always been suspicion about the true intentions of CERN, as it is home to the world's largest particle collider. Many conspiracies exist about the purpose of the particle collider, but the most common beliefs are that they are trying to either summon ancient gods, open portals to other dimensions, or open the gates to hell.

 There are no explanations as to why they would want to do any of these things though. There is also another fear that their experiments might create a black hole. Like with all these fear based theories, none of this has obviously happened in the 11 years that the particle accelerator has been in use.

 There doesn't seem to be any copies of the full video online any more, so I'm sharing this video by ScareTheatre as it shows segments of the original which I think can demonstrate how it's definitely a hoax. The video is actually pretty good to be fair:

 So now you've seen pieces of the video, let's get into why I think it's fake. Firstly, the guy filming the ritual is already filming before anybody arrives on the scene. Why would he be randomly filming an empty square in the middle of the night? And what are the chances that he just so happened to catch such a heinous crime at that random moment he decided to start filming? Also, as you can see, nothing ritualistic actually happens before the woman gets stabbed. Wouldn't there be more to the ritual than just gathering in a circle and killing someone? There's no books, tools, no ritual dancing or anything else going on. That's not the same as how other satanic or black magic rituals have been described in other accounts. And it would surely have to be satanic or black magic of some kind for a human sacrifice to be involved? It also makes no sense that the sacrifice is to the Shiva statue, as there is nothing in Hinduism that says this is how you worship Shiva. If it wasn't to Shiva, then why do it in front of the statue as it's clearly a brightly lit, open area where there is a high chance of being seen? Wouldn't they do it in a secret room with no chance of being seen? The last red flag for me is that the guy recording the video runs away when the woman is stabbed. Even though this would be a natural reaction if you just saw someone murdered, it's also convenient for a hoax as we can't see if the woman was genuinely killed and what happened to the body. These are the kind of things that always point to hoaxes in any kind of 'found footage' evidence.

 On the topic of CERN, there's another fake incident that happened a few months before the hoax which I actually did fall for. Photographer Christophe Suarez captured some amazing images of a thunderstorm called a supercell over Switzerland. Mainstream UK 'newspapers' like the Express and Daily Star, started reporting that the strange looking storm was a 'bizarre cloud formations over CERN' and that the pictures could be proof that they are opening portals. I did think it was really strange at the time and presumed that journalists would at least check the info was legit before spreading the story far and wide. I've learnt my lesson since then! Suarez clearly stated that the storm was NOT over CERN, and was highly upset that his pictures were stolen and shared without his consent and used to create a fake story. For that reason, I'm not sharing the pictures, but you can view them on his twitter here. They are amazing and well worth looking at.

 In conclusion, I think it seems pretty obvious that a group of young scientists thought it would be really funny to prank/troll the conspiracy theorists after years of getting accused of all types of terrible things. CERN were certainly not impressed with the prank, and I'd imagine all the negative attention and speculation was the last thing they wanted. I think it was a pretty dumb thing to do to be honest, and we have no idea what kind of price the pranksters paid.  



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