The Known Facts of Adrenochrome

 A component of the Qanon movement and 'truther' community is the belief that left-wing, elite satanists are addicted to a chemical compound called adrenochrome which gives them a high like no other drug and reverses aging and illness. They get this from drinking the blood of a human sacrifice or sometimes people say it's from the actual adrenal glands of children. This makes absolutely no sense in any way, shape or form from what we know about adrenochrome. Also human stomach are not designed to digest copious amounts of blood and would cause stomach problems and vomiting. Not to mention the diseases you could catch from human blood. Don't tell me they also now test each victim for any bloodborne illnesses before the sacrifice?! I'm not a scientist or journalist, but just from me doing the bare minimum of research, it's obvious this can not be true. If I can work this out then maybe question the integrity or research skills of professionals like Alex Jones or YouTube personalities who push these false claims. Are they the best source of information or should their claims be checked first before simply believing them? If your into truth then shouldn't both sides of an argument be looked at instead of just believing a confirmation bias? Why choose to believe such a vile theory without any scientific or tangible proof?                                  

Like all other conspiracy theories, there is some truth here mixed with fiction. Adrenochrome is a real chemical compound. It gets created when adrenaline oxidises in the body. Adrenochrome is not the same as pure adrenaline which is released when you are scared or in fight or flight mode. Synthetic adrenaline and adrenochrome can be created in a lab and both are used for medical purposes. Synthetic adrenaline or epinephrine is used for epi-pens, and a byproduct of adrenochrome appears to be used on open wounds to promote blood clotting. There is no medical or scientific evidence saying it has any positive side effects. If anything, there is some minimal evidence that it's a nuerotoxin that can cause psychosis and derealization, but even that isn't definite. If you think about this for a second, you can see already how the 'adrenochrome junkie' theory doesn't hold up. 

So where does this fake concept of the 'adrenochrome junkie' come from? There's one guy who I suspect is largely responsible and that is the writer Hunter S Thompson. In his book and the  subsequent movie 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas', there is a reference to him taking adrenochrome: 

             “Where’d you get this?” I asked. “You can’t buy it.” “Never mind,” he said. “It’s absolutely pure.” I shook my head sadly. “What kind of monster client have you picked up this time? There’s only one source for this stuff.” He nodded. “The adrenaline glands of a living human body,” I said. “It’s no good if you get it out of a corpse.”      


Thompson mentions it again in his book 'Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72':

"It was sometime after midnight in a ratty hotel room and my memory of the conversation is haze, due to massive ingestion of booze, fatback, and forty cc's of adrenochrome."

Terry Gilliam who co-wrote and directed the movie, stated that Thompson had never taken adrenochrome. This isn't that surprising as Thompson is best known for his 'Gonzo Journalism' which mixes fact with fiction. I think there's evidence to support that Thompson made this up. We know that adrenochrome is made in the body and does not come straight from the adrenal glands like he said. It's likely that he had read 'The Doors of Perception' by Aldous Huxley as he was a fan of hallucinogenic drugs. This book was about Huxley's experiences with the drug mescaline, but vaguely mentions the 1950's studies into adrenochrome as the psychiatrist who gave Huxley the mescaline was involved in the studies. Noting some similarities between mescaline and adrenaline, they hypothesised that excessive adrenochrome levels in humans could be the cause of schizophrenia. To test this idea they decided to trial mega doses of Vitamin C and B supplements to see if it could reduce the effects of schizophrenia. As I mentioned earlier, adrenochrome is an oxidised form of adrenaline. 'Anti-oxidants' like Vitamin C help our bodies to remove 'oxidative stress' which is why they are good for us. So I'm guessing that if the theory was correct, an anti-oxidant should reduce schizophrenic symptoms if its caused by an oxidized toxin in the body. They claimed their trials were successful, although follow up studies failed to replicate these results. Let's be clear here, none of these small studies on adrenochrome have ever stated that it's affects are positive or desirable. It is also scientifically impossible that adrenochrome stops aging and cures diseases. If anything, it would be speeding these things up just like stress does if it's a nuerotoxin. And even in the tiny chance that the science is wrong and adrenochrome is a wonder drug, then why the hell wouldn't they just be using the synthetic, lab created version where they could control what dose they were taking? Why risk getting caught kidnapping and killing people for something they could buy from a pharmaceutical outlet? And before anyone says 'because they are evil and like killing people' well that's a whole other ball game. I can't prove here that they aren't killing people, but I think it's pretty safe to say they aren't killing people because they are addicted to adrenochrome and drinking someone's blood gives them an adequate fix. Also, I think someone would of noticed by now if all the world leaders and celebrities were displaying schizophrenic symptoms and thought disorders.

This theory is not a new one. I remember seeing it in the recesses of the David Icke forum in the mid 2000's. I was shocked however to see the theory is now so widespread that it made an appearance on the Dr Phil show late last year: 

I think it's really sad that innocent people are believing in something so terrible, especially if they are in a vulnerable state. 


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