The Myth of the Human Meat Industry

 There is a conspiracy theory that human meat is secretly added into processed meat products like burgers. The reason for this is somewhat unclear, although one of the earliest sources of this claim I can find is very disturbing. It seems to stem from a fake interview with a Rabbi that was circulating in the 70's by a Nazi pastor with a large criminal history called James Wickstrom. Wickstrom somehow managed to get an interview with a man called Rabbi Abe Finkelstein who admitted to every anti-Semetic troupe known to man! No exaggeration. For some reason he decided that a Nazi was the right person to divulge all this secret information to? Not only does that make no sense at all, there is no evidence that Abe Finkelstein exists. I think someone either tricked Wickstrom, or he himself set up the hoax. As well as stating that Jews, blacks and homosexuals should be hanged from telephone polls,  here are some other examples of Wickstrom's beliefs:

"I'd like to see these Jews all be brought to the VA [Veterans Administration hospital] and wooden chairs be put down on the lawn. Tie the Jews in. Bring these veterans down who have been mutilated … and give them baseball bats and let them beat these Jews to death! Every one of them! Take these chairs and Jews after they're beaten to death, throw 'em in the wood chipper! And from the wood chipper let the remains go into a big incinerary [sic] truck, which is right behind the wood chipper, and give them the holocaust they rightly deserve!"
— Videotaped interview, 2004

"I have a dream! If that goddamn n----- can have a dream, I can have a dream, too. I have a dream that in the days to come there won't be anyone who isn't white that's gonna be in America!"
— Speech at a racist skinhead gathering, 2003

 The videos circulating around these days show a fake picture of Finkelstein which turns out to be a guy called Kenneth Feinberg. So how is this relevant? Finkelstein states that Jews 'eat the blood of their enemies' which is apparently all white people, and get rid of the bodies by sending them to slaughter houses to be processed into burgers and sausages which are then distributed to places like McDonald's. This 'Jewish blood drinking' myth is highly unlikely considering it's forbidden for Jews to eat blood and this is mentioned several times throughout Jewish scripture. Another thing mentioned several times is that Yahweh has always forbidden human sacrifice and told ancient Jews not to take part in evil things like child sacrifice which is a practice of the Canaanites and followers of Moloch.

 Despite this grisly back story, I can remember squirming when reading posts in 2014 stating that human remains were found in 90% of McDonald's meat factories and some were also found in trucks delivering to the restaurants. I didn't believe it, but it's just such a horrid thing to think about! It was revealed pretty quickly that the story originated from a prank news website called Anyone can go on this site and create a fake news story for satire or to 'prank your friends'. Despite this fact, many people still shared the story and believed it. I've seen clips of the Finkelstein video featured in many of the social media posts as 'proof' the Huzler article was in fact real. Things erupted again in 2016 when a food testing lab called Clear Labs randomly tested 258 samples of burgers from fast-food chains. One of these burgers contained a trace of human DNA. This reignited the speculation that McDonald's were putting human meat in their products. Firstly, the trace of human DNA would of been from one of the people who were manufacturing the burgers. It's kind of gross to think about, but it's pretty obvious and somewhat reasonable to presume that sometimes a tiny amount of a person's DNA could easily transfer when manufacturing or preparing food. Secondly, the DNA was found on a veggie burger which McDonald's did not serve at the time, so it wasn't one of their burgers in the first place. 

 Sadly, McDonald's is not the only victim of this type of disgusting rumour. Restaurants in the UK and other countries have also been falsely accused of this through these prank news sites causing them to receive abuse and damage to their businesses. I won't go into specifics because I don't want to reignite any rumours for these people. This is because some people still believe in a wide scale human meat trade despite the impossibility of it. The quality control and inspections done in the food industry, combined with random testing that can be done at any time by any lab, would of certainly blown the lid off of this by now. Not to mention the fact that so many delivery drivers, butchers, and factory workers would have to be in on the conspiracy that I'm sure at least one person would or come forward by now. Especially in the large corporations like fast food chains. 

 The last thing worth mentioning here is the 'Cannibal Club' website hoax which has been around for over 10 years. This is supposed to be a website for a restaurant in Los Angeles which serves human meat to people who are enlightened enough to appreciate what they do. There are so many ways to prove this site is a hoax, yet I still saw people claiming this was real last year. The website obviously does not provide an address. The convenient reason for this is that they don't want to get problems from people who don't agree with cannibalism. No one has ever come forward to say they have successfully attained the address. Also, they advertise having live entertainment every weekend but this page as well as the menu, has never been updated and the same act has always been listed there. You would also require all types of permits to own a restaurant and have live entertainment. It's pretty safe to say that the location of this place would of come to light by now if it existed. Especially because high profile celebrities are supposed to be members and these people get followed everywhere! Not to mention the fact that they claim to hold parties where you can eat a deceased person instead of having a traditional funeral. Call me crazy, but the logistics of this would be crazy. How could you get dead bodies into a building in a time frame and way where the flesh doesn't start decomposing without anyone noticing? Lastly, all of the staff on the site do not exist and their pictures are actually random stock images. Why would such a top secret and illegal business ever put up the names and pictures of the staff? That makes no sense. One of the staff Raven Chan who so say procures the meat is actually supposed to be a relative of Mark Zuckerberg's wife Priscilla Chan. Some believers in this hoax actually claim it's Priscilla herself. This doesn't surprise me as the Zuckerbergs get pulled into so many crazy conspiracies like Bill Gates. Most people with any influence and power seem to be made into these terrible monsters at some stage.
*This is a false claim by the way*

 It's safe to say the human meat trade is almost certainly not real. It's important to think of the logistics of these wild theories and remember that it would be almost impossible to get away with things this wide scale. I can remember several years ago when there was a scandal over horse meat being found in several beef products in the UK. The point I'm making here is that the horse meat was discovered. They got caught. It would only be a matter of time until human meat was exposed. 



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