Crimes Committed by Radical Conspiracists are Increasing

 I shared in my original blog post that the reason I decided to start sharing my views on conspiracy and fringe beliefs is because of the number of deaths relating to these topics in the last 2 years. Conspiracy theories are no longer alternative theories on forums like they were 10 years ago. They are having serious, dangerous and frightening repercussions. Nobody died from believing JFK was assassinated or the moon landings were fake. To my knowledge, nobody even died from believing 9/11 was an inside job, but what they DID do was set the stage for mass distrust in authority figures to the point of delusion. Of course, this has been hugely exasperated by Trump and the Church's shameless exploitation of people's beliefs. The dis-info around the pandemic and vaccine, combined with the deadly capital insurrection which was largely fuelled by the baseless Qanon and pizaagate theories, have resulted in a huge number of unnecessary deaths. On top of this, I have seen a definite rise in the amount of extreme, radical and terrorist like language and behaviour from conspiracy communities in the past few years. I personally don't think that 'truthers' being pushed to use toxic platforms like Telegram and Bitchute has helped that situation either. 

*TRIGGER WARNING - details of brutal child murder ahead. Please don't read on if you are affected or triggered by extreme violence to children.

I noticed that a large amount of recent mass shootings and terror attacks have been committed by conspiracy theorists. There have also been a number of other crimes and murders committed by these groups that I will cover separately. Recently I saw the most heartbreaking and gut wrenching story to date. A successful and seemingly happy 40 year old man kidnapped his 2 children and drove them to Mexico to kill them. He stabbed his 2 year old son and 10 month old daughter multiple times with a spear gun. He then dumped their bodies in some bushes and disposed of the bloody clothes and weapon.  He did this after claiming he became enlightened by QAnon about the Illuminati and God gave him visions that his wife had 'serpent DNA' and had passed in onto his children making them monsters who would grow up to do evil. His friend said he used to spend hours looking at QAnon conspiracies on his phone. I believe he would of gone on to murder his wife if he hadn't been stopped at the Mexican boarder. He is now potentially facing the death penalty for this horrific crime. This man did not seem to be mentally unwell, and the only clue to his extreme beliefs were some increasingly prophetic and religious posts on social media. He also said he knew it was wrong but it was the only thing to do to save the Earth. It reminds me of the tragic case of Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell who have been charged with killing multiple people including 2 of Lori's children claiming they were possessed zombies. Daybell is a known writer with extreme apocalyptic doomsday beliefs.  

So how do people get to this point of complete delusion? As an ex conspiracy theorist, I believe it's done by a process of slowly dripping more and more extreme beliefs over a period of time. The more you read or watch, the more your brain can slowly accept it as rational. I think this is how extreme beliefs slowly take root. 

Please take a look at this video by Brent Lee TV to see some of what the current 'truth movement' are behaving like and tell me what you think the fruits of this will be? Brent was a conspiracy theorists for 15 years and has some great videos on the current situation. 


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